How do Cloth Diapers Work Anyways?

My sister asked me to do a short video about cloth diapers for her zero waste/vegan project.  I’d been contemplating something like this for a while, so I was really happy when she reached out.  Cloth diapers are not portrayed in the mainstream anywhere, and I realized that many people don’t know what cloth diapers…

I never considered cloth diapers until…

First things first.  I had a baby!  My daughter is a happy, healthy, 8 month old.  And I’m grateful for that, and for her, every single day. I never considered cloth diapers until I learned that my friend was using them.  And she’s not even a crazy, green, hippie.  She is a regular person. But…

Community Food Recycling

A few months ago, I worked with our local government to implement food recycling.  (Thanks to the Village for listening to my idea and taking action!) What is food recycling anyways?  It’s when food scraps are collected and then recycled by turning them into compost.  How does it work?  There is a collection bin at our…

Shaving with Less Impact

In regards to shaving, there are a few ways that I reduce my environmental impact: Number One: I have a razor with replaceable cartridge heads.  It is the Schick brand and I love it!  With replaceable cartridge heads, I’ve been able to use the same handle for more than 5 years.  Back when I bought…

Month 12 – Weatherstripping on Door

Our garage door opens directly into our family room, and in cold weather, I can feel a draft.  So, I decided to add weatherstripping.  The door already had some weatherstripping, so at the hardware store, I looked for options that could easily be added without removing the existing weatherstripping.  I purchased a rubber sweep to…

Month 11 – Insulate the Water Heater

My latest green home project was to insulate the water heater.  Our 50 gallon gas-fired water heater was installed in 2009.  Various websites recommend insulating your water heater if the R-value is less than 16 or 24.  I couldn’t find the R-value, but since ours was warm to the touch, I figured it couldn’t hurt to add…

Month 10 – Home Energy Audit

At work, we played a fun game called Cool Choices.  To earn points, every day for 6 weeks, players make environmentally sustainable choices such as carpooling, driving the speed limit, and turning the water off when brushing teeth (duh).  Different actions are worth different points.  The game made sustainability more fun and competitive.  It was…

Month 9 – Cover Unused Registers

Even with our Nest thermostat, heating our home will be a big energy cost.  Our heater uses natural gas which produces 11.7 pounds of CO2 per therm.  This means, that during each winter month, we are responsible for ~1,665 pounds of CO2 from heating.  For comparison, that’s as much CO2 as 83 gallons of gasoline.…

Month 8 – Grow Food

The ultimate of eating local is growing your own food.  This summer, my husband and I planted a raspberry bush and a blackberry bush.  When the plants are mature, we’ll have delicious food that is organic, didn’t require fossil fuels to be transported, and didn’t come wrapped in packaging destined for a landfill.  Also, when I…

Month 7 – Skip the Clothes Dryer

As far as appliances go, they say clothes dryers use quite a bit of energy.  According to the EPA, dyers can use more electricity than a refrigerator.  To check electricity use from my own house, I noted the meter readings over a few days.  For a nerd like me, the results are interesting: I found…